Here you can find out more about currently available positions in the technical and/or commercial field.
As an employee at GLANOX KG, you can expect exciting areas of activity from production to administrative tasks. Find out about current vacancies here.
We offer you
On-the-job training that really moves you forward
A salary system in which performance is rewarded
A working position that is oriented towards your personality
A dedicated team that supports you and that you support
Your job in the GLANOX KG team
Are you interested and qualified to work in airport lighting?
We are looking for experienced staff for the area of
"Electrician helper
Interested parties can apply here:
Färberstr. 150
40223 Düsseldorf
T. +49 211 86 84 23 00
F. +49 211 86 84 23 11
We will then be happy to get in touch with you, and perhaps we will soon be able to
as a new team colleague in our team. We are looking forward to meeting you!